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HTML WebPage Creation

HTML Tutorial

Want to know How to create HTML Web Page? Its very simple and interesting just go through our tutorial to learn the basics of HTML. You can teach yourself by reading all lessons and HTML tags described in this tutorial. Hyper Text Markup Language is used to create static web pages with colorful formatting. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language we have to mark up each text with some formatting mark which are known as elements. A simple page for HTML beginner like this..

                                <!DOCTYPE html>
                                    <title>My First Web Page</title>
                                    This is my first web page

Now save this page with name sample.html, every HTML document must be save with .html extension. In html every tag has its own scope in which its attributes work and it can give its related formatting effect. Element Scope can be defined by opening tag < > and closing tag </ >. Here <html > opening and </html > closing tag tell the browsers that the all html elements between these tag should be treated as HTML document. Generally all html tag must be closed except some self-closing tag like <br> line break tag.

<head> section is used to add external java script or CSS files. We can also define Javascript functions, Meta tag and style tag in head tag. The information in the head tag does not appear in the browser window.

<title> tag is used to show the very short summary of html document. Title tag must come within html head tag. The text content of title is shown on the top bar of your web browser known as title bar.

<body> tag is main content area of html web page. Here we put all the content and formatting to present the document. Body tag started just after the closing of head tag. It shows the main information of web page.

Use the "Last In = First Out" (LIFO) principle when we nesting the tag.

HTML Attributes

HTML attributes is used to add some extra information or formatting feature with each tag. Through attribute value TAG give different outputs in browser. All attributes are added in opening tag and enclosed in quotation marks. A tag can have multiple attributes.

HTML Tag List

  1. <p> :- Paragraph tag is used enclosed a text description or information within it. Paragraph has align attribute through which it can change the paragraph alignment on browser. It leave a blank line before and after the paragraph tag.
  2. <br> :-Break tag change the line it works as line break.
  3. <b> : Used to Bold the tag.
  4. <i> : Make text Italic.
  5. <u> : Underline the whole text .
  6. <h1> : Heading tags having range from H1 to H6.Where H1 is bigger in size and H6 is smallest .All heading are bold and produce line break after tag.
  7. <strong> : Also work as Bold tag.
  8. <em> : Make text italic.
  9. <table> : Create a table frame.
  10. <tr> : generate a table row in table.
  11. <td> : create a column in table row.TD stands for table data.All table text contents must be placed in <td> tag
  12. <div> : div tag is used to create a rectange block on page which can be place on web page with the help of CSS or style tag.
  13. <span> : Use to enclosed and format a word.
  14. <img> : insert a image in document.Image path is given through src attribute and image width and heigth is denoted by HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes.both are inpixcels.We can also define ALT attribute in image tag to mention alternative text of image.
  15. <img src='image1.jpg' height='150px' width='150px' alt=my image' >

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